
Our Products

Rich and diverse flavors, carefully handpicked in perfection to deliver a unique and exquisite taste that is sure to satisfy the most discerning people around the globe. Our commitment to sustainability ensures that our coffee is produced in an ethical and environmentally-friendly manner, supporting local communities and preserving the natural beauty of Indonesia


Sourced from the lush and fertile regions of Indonesia with 1.24 million hectares of land used for coffee cultivation, producing 660,000 metric tons of green coffee beans, which consist 70% Robusta and 30% Arabica, including more than 30 varieties, from Sabang to Marauke – from Aceh (Gayo) to Papua (Wamena).

Arabica Green Beans

Robusta Green Beans

> Information

Product Sample
Minimum product samples 150gr can be provided and purchased with free of shipment cost charge.

Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)
Air Freight: 100 kg
Sea Freight: 1,000 kg
We offer discounted prices for higher quantities purchased than above.

Lead Time
1-4 weeks, depending on the order quantity and the number of pending orders. Orders will be placed after the receipt of full payment or a down payment.